Fibreglass wagon

Trailer "Heger"
Trailer "Heger"
Trailer "Heger"
Trailer "Heger"
Trailer "Heger"
Trailer "Heger"

Wagon 'Heger' is special development of our company and is unmatched in the global market. Its walls are 4 times stronger than aluminum ones and is significantly lighter than similar plywood wagons. We produce it from fiberglass panels type "sandwich" with excellent insulation and stiffeners.

We offer it with standard equipment, but we can install many additional facilities enhancing the convenience and security of the driver and the cargo. If you need approval - confirmation that the vehicle can travel on the international road network – we will deliver the wagon with it.

Two years is the guarantee of the wagon "Heger" and we provide you with fast and quality warranty and after warranty service.
The materials, the very idea of development and quality performance attract many customers, and we create for them specialized upgrades - mobile, medical and blood donation offices, studios, offices, mobile showrooms. Wagon 'Heger' is often used by companies working in areas such as distribution and international transport, furniture, food, fashion industry, groupage cargo.


Standard equipment
For wagon "Heger" the standard equipment is needed for the vehicle to pass through the certifying authority. Other designs and manufactures are according to customer needs.



Additional equipment - on request


Side doors - they facilitate loading and unloading, provide a quick and convenient access to the cargo. They have a locking mechanism.


Tail lift with the following dimensions: width and height from 1.20 to 2.60 meters and a weight capacity from 500 to 9000 kg.


Sliding tail lift - retracted under the chassis of the truck and may have the following dimensions: width and height from 1.20 to 2.60 meters and a weight capacity from 500 to 9000 kg.


Translucent ceiling of the van – we offer it by fiberglass, so it can miss the maximum amount of natural light inside the van all day.


Sub frame- we always recommend our customers to perform hot dip galvanizing to stand longer from corrosion.


Bind rails load - we install them on the front panel on the ceiling and on the pages. They strengthen cargo and not allow it to be dislocated during movement, thus ensuring its preservation in excellent condition.


Rings on the floor - for greater security and preservation of the cargo in good condition.


Spoiler cabin - improves the aerodynamics of the truck and therefore reduces fuel consumption.


Top slipper- it's fiberglass cabin that serves as a bedroom for the driver. Practical solution for freight transport over long distances.


Extension of the chassis - how long will be the extension depends on the model and brand of the vehicle.


Box for tools - convenient and practical addition, we offer it from material on request: plastic, fiberglass, aluminum, stainless steel. May be of variable volume and the separated zones, for easier stacking of the instruments. There is no special locking.


Tank for water – we offer it from plastic, its capacity may be from 15 to 40 liters. Mounted optional.


Rear view camera.



Mounted on trucks and trailers.

For more information or to design and construct wagon "Heger " specifically for your needs, contact us .